Isparta'daki bir Ar-Ge ve tasarım merkezinde geliştirilen, hislere göre hareket edebildiği belirtilen biyonik el, Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumunca tescillendi.
Isparta'da bir Ar-Ge ve tasarım merkezinde 10 kişilik ekip, hislere göre hareket edebilen biyonik el geliştirdi.
Tasarım merkezinde 3D teknolojisi kullanılarak tasarlanan ve geliştirilen biyonik el, motorlar ve bluetooth aracıyla eldeki hareketlerin büyük bir bölümünü yapabilmesinin yanı sıra, 70 kilograma kadar ağırlık kaldırabiliyor.
Kas hareketlerinin sensörler yardımıyla elektromanyetik dalgalara çevirdiği sistemde, biyonik elin hareket etmesi sağlanıyor.
Biyonik el, Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescillendi.
"Sistemimizde motorlar kullandık"
İmalat mühendisi Orhan Düzenli, AA muhabirine, biyonik el projenin Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmeleri Geliştirme ve Destekleme İdaresi Başkanlığı (KOSGEB) tarafından desteklendiğini söyledi.
Geliştirilen projeyle yurt dışı şirketlerin hakim olduğu piyasada yüksek maliyetteki yedek parça ve teknik servis gibi olumsuzları ortadan kaldırılmasının hedeflendiğine dikkati çeken Düzenli, daha önce üretilen biyonik ellerin genelinin misinalı sistemle çalıştığını bildirdi.
Düzenli, misinalı sistemlerin zamanla yıprandığını, teknik anlamda kullanıcıların sorun yaşadığını dile getirdi.
Kendi sistemlerinin misinayla çalışana göre daha iyi çalıştığını savunan Düzenli, biyonik elin ameliyatsız uzvu olamayan kişilere monte edilebildiğini ifade etti.
Sistemin üzerinde bir yıl araştırma yaptıklarını anlatan Düzenli, "Sistemimizde motorlar kullandık. Parmak açılarını istediğimiz şekilde ayarlaya biliyoruz. 3D tarayıcı sistemi kullanarak kişiye özel yapabiliyoruz. Uzvu olamayan kişilerin diğer kolunu tarıyoruz ve bunu 3D görüntüleme sistemiyle 3D yazıcıya aktarıyoruz. Buradan baskımızı alarak kişilere monte etmeyi düşünüyoruz." diye konuştu.
"Parmaklar birlikte hareket edebiliyor"
Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi Mekatronik Mühendisliği Bölümü Yüksek Lisans Öğrencisi Ayşe Meltem Köse ise biyonik elin elektro sinyallerle hareket ettiğini söyledi.
Sistemin yazılımın ve dizaynının kendilerine ait olduğuna değinen Köse, "Geliştirdiğimiz biyonik el, hareketleri daha farklı, anlaşılır ve seri biçimde yapabiliyor. Her parmağı ayrı ayrı ve birlikte hareket ettirebiliyoruz." dedi.
Просто возмутительно, что…
Просто возмутительно, что кооператив «<a href="">Б… Вей</a>», который много лет выполнял свои обязательства перед пайщиками, теперь обвиняют в чем-то нелепом и неподтвержденном. Мы все, кто вкладывал сюда свои деньги, верили, что сможем получить жилье без кабального кредитного рабства. И кооператив действительно помогал, я видел, как люди заезжают в свои квартиры, решают свои жилищные вопросы. Но теперь нас лишают этого права, прикрываясь подозрениями и ложными обвинениями. Как можно было так просто разрушить наши надежды? Мы должны бороться за кооператив и за всех, кто надеялся на помощь!
Мы все знаем, кто стоит за…
Мы все знаем, кто стоит за этим делом – Колокольцев и его банда, которая давно превратила МВД в источник своих доходов! Дело "Гермес" и "<a href="… Вей</a>" сфабриковано от начала до конца, чтобы ограбить нас, пайщиков. Как иначе объяснить, что все "потерпевшие" – это лгуны и мошенники, которые ничего не могут доказать на суде? Им обещали кучу денег, а по факту их просто используют, чтобы разрушить наш кооператив. Но самое смешное – они сами этого не понимают! Колокольцев и его подельники уже решили, что ни копейки не дадут этим "пострадавшим", а просто заберут всё себе. Это настоящий криминал, и мы, пайщики, не будем этого терпеть! Мы будем бороться до последнего, чтобы доказать невиновность Василенко и восстановить справедливость! А Колокольцев и его шайка должны сесть за свои преступления!
Я являюсь пайщиком…
Я являюсь пайщиком кооператива «<a href="">Бест Вей</a>» с 2017 года. За это время я видел, как компания честно выполняет свои обязательства перед всеми пайщиками. Благодаря «<a href="">Бест Вей</a>» тысячи людей, в том числе ветераны и участники СВО, получили жилье, о котором мечтали. Однако то, что сейчас происходит, — это ничто иное как спланированная атака на наш кооператив со стороны мафиозной группировки во главе с Колокольцевым. Лжесвидетели, вроде Набойченко и Логинова, действуют по указке следствия, преследуя лишь свои корыстные цели. Они не представили ни одного реального доказательства ущерба, но продолжают поддерживать это абсурдное дело. Мы, пайщики, не собираемся с этим мириться. Мы требуем остановить этот беспредел и вернуть нам наши деньги и квартиры!
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gdzie mozna kupic prawo jazdy z wpisem do rejestru, kupić prawo jazdy, legalne prawo jazdy do kupienia, kupię prawo jazdy, jak załatwić prawo jazdy, bez egzaminu, jak kupić prawo jazdy, czy można kupić prawo jazdy, legalne prawo jazdy do kupienia 2024, pomogę zdać egzamin na prawo jazdy, prawo jazdy bez egzaminu, gdzie kupić prawo jazdy bez egzaminu, gdzie kupić prawo jazdy na lewo, jak kupić prawo jazdy w niemczech, gdzie kupic prawo jazdy legalnie, kupić prawo jazdy b
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Идеи для выбора ткани при…
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Medical staff on the front…
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
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At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
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Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
<a href=>bl…;
Medical staff on the front…
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
<a href=>blackspfgh3bi6im374fgl54qliir6to37txpkkd6ucf…;
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
блэк спрут ссылка
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
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This small suburban school…
This small suburban school was named the world’s best new building
<a href=></a>
A humble suburban school in Australia has fended off competition from skyscrapers, museums and airport terminals to be named World Building of the Year 2024.
Darlington Public School, in the Sydney suburb of Chippendale, beat more than 220 other shortlisted designs to win the coveted annual prize at the World Architecture Festival in Singapore on Friday.
Opened last fall, the project combines an angular brick campus building, featuring a distinctive “sawtooth” roof, with landscaped outdoor spaces, including a large basketball court and a community garden. Softly curved metal screens surround a series of open-air terraces, allowing daylight to filter in while protecting students’ privacy.
A school had long been on the south Sydney site, though the old 1970s building was no longer fit for purpose, according to fjcstudio, the design firm behind the project. The Sydney-based architects said their new design had “radically transformed” the school to offer “new and contemporary learning environments,” though the project was intended to “capture the spirit” of the original campus.
Housing a preschool, kindergarten and primary school, the new campus will be able accommodate more than 500 students, according to the school’s website. A two-stage building process meant classes were able to continue throughout construction.
In its project description, fjcstudio said Darlington Public School had “strong connections to Aboriginal people.” The design firm said it helped preserve this cultural heritage by putting indigenous art in the school hall, entrance reception and classrooms. Aboriginal murals that had been painted on the old school’s walls were meanwhile reproduced in the new building’s cladding.
Speaking after Friday’s announcement, Alessandro Rossi, associate at fjcstudio, said: “It’s very humbling given the modest scale of the building — it’s a little school project, so to have won against all the other big projects at WAF is a testament to the client and the community engagement that helped drive the design process. The real winners are the children who will spend time in the building — a place of enrichment for many years to come.”
Kate Winslet had a…
Kate Winslet had a surprising ‘Titanic’ reunion while producing her latest film ‘Lee’
<a href=>kraken2… onion</a>
Kate Winslet is sharing an anecdote about a “wonderful” encounter she recently had with someone from her star-making blockbuster film “Titanic.”
The Oscar winner was a guest on “The Graham Norton Show” this week, where she discussed her new film “Lee,” in which she plays the fashion model-turned-war photographer Lee Miller from the World War II era.
Winslet recounted that while she had previously executive produced a number of her projects, “Lee” was the first movie where she served as a full-on producer. That required her involvement from “beginning to end,” including when the film was scored in post-production.
She explained to Norton that when she attended the recording of the film’s score in London, while looking at the 120-piece orchestra, she saw someone who looked mighty familiar to her.
“I’m looking at this violinist and I thought, ‘I know that face!’” she said.
At one point, other musicians in the orchestra pointed to him while mouthing, “It’s him!” to her, and it continued to nag at Winslet, prompting her to wonder, “Am I related to this person? Who is this person?”
Finally, at the end of the day, the “Reader” star went in to where the orchestra was to meet the mystery violinist, and she was delighted to realize he was one of the violinists who played on the ill-fated Titanic ocean liner as it sank in James Cameron’s classic 1997 film.
“It was that guy!” Winslet exclaimed this week, later adding, “it was just wonderful” to see him again.
“We had so many moments like that in the film, where people I’ve either worked with before, or really known for a long time, kind of grown up in the industry with, they just showed up for me, and it was incredible.”
“Lee” released in theaters in late September, and is available to rent or buy on AppleTV+ or Amazon Prime.
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images…
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images
<a href=></a>
Trump improved on GOP margins nearly everywhere and delivered on his promise to win over more non-White voters
Live Updates Here’s where things stand in the House, as GOP hopes to complete a sweep in Washington
Still-stunned Democrats begin to squint toward their future
We asked Americans what they’d heard about Trump and Harris throughout the campaign. Here’s what they told us
Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor to stay at job as some call for her to step down
January 6 rioters and judges digest the impact of Trump’s victory
King Charles has led the…
King Charles has led the nation in two minutes of silence in remembrance of men and women who lost their lives serving in the two world wars or other conflicts.
<a href=https://kraken4qzqnoi7ogpzpzwrxk7mw53n5i56loydwiyonu4owxsh4g67ydonion.i…;
Tens of thousands of veterans and civilians joined the King in paying their respects to the fallen at the annual National Service of Remembrance ceremony at the Cenotaph in central London.
The King was joined by other members of the Royal Family, including the Prince and Princess of Wales, and political leaders.
Events to mark Remembrance Sunday - observed on the closest Sunday to Armistice Day - are taking place around the country.
The King laid the first wreath on behalf of the nation. Dressed in the Royal Navy uniform of the Admiral of the Fleet, he saluted after stepping back from the Cenotaph.
The King was followed by Queen Camilla’s equerry, Major Ollie Plunket, laying a wreath on her behalf as she is currently recovering from a chest infection.
Prince William, Prince Edward and Princess Anne followed, then Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and the country's other political leaders.
King Charles has led the…
King Charles has led the nation in two minutes of silence in remembrance of men and women who lost their lives serving in the two world wars or other conflicts.
<a href=>kraken30</a>
Tens of thousands of veterans and civilians joined the King in paying their respects to the fallen at the annual National Service of Remembrance ceremony at the Cenotaph in central London.
The King was joined by other members of the Royal Family, including the Prince and Princess of Wales, and political leaders.
Events to mark Remembrance Sunday - observed on the closest Sunday to Armistice Day - are taking place around the country.
The King laid the first wreath on behalf of the nation. Dressed in the Royal Navy uniform of the Admiral of the Fleet, he saluted after stepping back from the Cenotaph.
The King was followed by Queen Camilla’s equerry, Major Ollie Plunket, laying a wreath on her behalf as she is currently recovering from a chest infection.
Prince William, Prince Edward and Princess Anne followed, then Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and the country's other political leaders.
Joseph R. Biden Jr. promised…
Joseph R. Biden Jr. promised to be the most pro-labor president in history. He embraced unions more overtly than his predecessors in either party, and filled his administration with union supporters.
<a href=>kra… onion</a>
Labor seemed to respond accordingly. Filings for unionization elections spiked to their highest level in a decade, as did union victories. There were breakthroughs at companies like Starbucks and Amazon, and unions prevailed in organizing a major foreign auto plant in the South. A United Automobile Workers walkout yielded substantial contract gains — and images of Mr. Biden joining a picket line.
As Donald J. Trump prepares to retake the White House, labor experts expect the legal landscape for labor to turn sharply in another direction.
Based on Mr. Trump’s first term and his comments during the campaign — including his praise for Tesla’s chief executive, Elon Musk, for what he said was Mr. Musk’s willingness to fire striking workers — these experts say the new administration is likely to bring fewer challenges to employers who fight unions.
This small suburban school…
This small suburban school was named the world’s best new building
<a href=></a>
A humble suburban school in Australia has fended off competition from skyscrapers, museums and airport terminals to be named World Building of the Year 2024.
Darlington Public School, in the Sydney suburb of Chippendale, beat more than 220 other shortlisted designs to win the coveted annual prize at the World Architecture Festival in Singapore on Friday.
кракен на телефоне
Opened last fall, the project combines an angular brick campus building, featuring a distinctive “sawtooth” roof, with landscaped outdoor spaces, including a large basketball court and a community garden. Softly curved metal screens surround a series of open-air terraces, allowing daylight to filter in while protecting students’ privacy.
A school had long been on the south Sydney site, though the old 1970s building was no longer fit for purpose, according to fjcstudio, the design firm behind the project. The Sydney-based architects said their new design had “radically transformed” the school to offer “new and contemporary learning environments,” though the project was intended to “capture the spirit” of the original campus.
Housing a preschool, kindergarten and primary school, the new campus will be able accommodate more than 500 students, according to the school’s website. A two-stage building process meant classes were able to continue throughout construction.
In its project description, fjcstudio said Darlington Public School had “strong connections to Aboriginal people.” The design firm said it helped preserve this cultural heritage by putting indigenous art in the school hall, entrance reception and classrooms. Aboriginal murals that had been painted on the old school’s walls were meanwhile reproduced in the new building’s cladding.
Speaking after Friday’s announcement, Alessandro Rossi, associate at fjcstudio, said: “It’s very humbling given the modest scale of the building — it’s a little school project, so to have won against all the other big projects at WAF is a testament to the client and the community engagement that helped drive the design process. The real winners are the children who will spend time in the building — a place of enrichment for many years to come.”
King Charles has led the…
King Charles has led the nation in two minutes of silence in remembrance of men and women who lost their lives serving in the two world wars or other conflicts.
<a href=></a>
Tens of thousands of veterans and civilians joined the King in paying their respects to the fallen at the annual National Service of Remembrance ceremony at the Cenotaph in central London.
The King was joined by other members of the Royal Family, including the Prince and Princess of Wales, and political leaders.
Events to mark Remembrance Sunday - observed on the closest Sunday to Armistice Day - are taking place around the country.
The King laid the first wreath on behalf of the nation. Dressed in the Royal Navy uniform of the Admiral of the Fleet, he saluted after stepping back from the Cenotaph.
The King was followed by Queen Camilla’s equerry, Major Ollie Plunket, laying a wreath on her behalf as she is currently recovering from a chest infection.
Prince William, Prince Edward and Princess Anne followed, then Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and the country's other political leaders.
кракен на телефоне
Why Thailand is making it…
Why Thailand is making it easier for travelers to stay longer
<a href=>Группа по Пхукету</a>
Maybe you want to escape the winter months at home, opting instead to take care of your business on a laptop from the comfort of your rented Phuket villa as you gaze over the Andaman Sea. Or perhaps you’re ready to step into the ring and embark on a new career as a Muay Thai fighter.
Either way, Thailand has you covered.
The popular Southeast Asia destination recently introduced a new five-year visa targeted at remote workers and other travelers looking to stay in the kingdom for extended periods.
According to a statement issued by the Thai prime minister’s office, the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) will allow eligible travelers a period of stay up to 180 days per visit, on a multiple-entry basis, within five years. (This means they will need to leave the country when their 180 days are up, and the time resets when they re-enter.)
The government statement says the visa is open to several categories of remote workers, including digital nomads and freelancers. It’s also aimed at those looking to visit to engage in activities such as Muay Thai training or Thai cooking classes, or come for extended medical treatments.
To apply, travelers need to show evidence that they have a minimum of 500,000 baht (about $13,800) in funds, as well as documents to support the purpose of their visit, such as a letter from a medical center or proof of employment
Следственная группа по делу …
Следственная группа по делу «Бест Вей»: следователи или оборотни в погонах?
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Следственная группа по делу кооператива «Бест Вей» во главе со следователями ГСУ ГУ МВД по Санкт-Петербургу и Ленобласти майором юстиции Екатериной Сапетовой и подполковником юстиции Константином Иудичевым играет собственную партию либо для того, чтобы выслужиться перед непосредственным начальством, либо из-за прямой заинтересованности в уничтожении кооператива со стороны конкурентов и/или банков.
Следствие по делу кооператива «Бест Вей» вступило в активную фазу ровно год назад. За это время арестованы четверо технических сотрудников, и уже год они томятся в СИЗО, пятеро граждан объявлены в розыск.
Офис кооператива буквально разгромлен двумя обысками, документация изъята, и следствие запрещает ее копировать, счета и недвижимость арестованы. Под арестом — активы на более чем 15 млрд рублей, хотя ущерб для так называемых потерпевших, пул которых следователи год собирали под разными предлогами, не превышает 115 млн рублей. Это спустя почти полтора года с момента возбуждения уголовного дела, не считая периода длительного проведения оперативно-разыскных мероприятий. Гора родила мышь.
При этом значительная часть этих потерпевших, например, бывшие пайщики, которые внесли невозвратный вступительный взнос, но затем не смогли копить на квартиру и сами вышли из кооператива, а теперь по наущению следствия подали заявление о том, что кооператив им не вернул то, что и не должен был вернуть. Потерпевших 100 с лишним человек, притом что в кооперативе — более 19 тыс. пайщиков, то есть капля в море, да и эти 100 не имеют юридически обоснованных претензий к кооперативу. Среди представленных следствием потерпевших есть и конкуренты — бывшие пайщики, которые еще несколько лет назад вышли из «Бест Вей» и создали «альтернативный» кооператив «Вера».
Следователи обосновывают арест счетов тем, что «деньги могут украсть», хотя они же сами как минимум участвуют во вполне криминальном использовании чужих денег, уже год не давая пайщикам ни приобрести квартиру за счет средств, которые они скопили на счете в кооперативе, ни забрать деньги, при этом предоставляя возможность банкам. Следователи уже год дают возможность банкам пользоваться счетами почти на 4 млрд рублей, притом постоянно пополняющимися, так как большинство пайщиков продолжает вносить паевые и членские взносы.
Парадокс в том, что новая история обиженных дольщиков (в данном случае пайщиков) всероссийского масштаба возникла не из-за того, что у организации не оказалось средств для выполнения обязательств, а из-за того, что следственная группа лишила ее возможности пользования средствами и прямо блокирует выполнение обязательств перед пайщиками.
Адвокатам кооператива несколько раз удавалось добиться снятия арестов с активов кооператива, однако следователи и банки просто игнорируют решения судов. Потом, пользуясь высоким статусом следователей главка, заходят с новым ходатайством об аресте через кабинет судьи и без участия представителей кооператива, и активы снова арестовываются — до следующей успешной апелляции адвокатов, после которой в дело вступают банки, по договоренности со следствием блокирующие счета в рамках процедур комплаенс, игнорируя решения судов.
Должностное преступление
Действия следственной группы не могут квалифицироваться иначе, как должностное преступление, так как в них прослеживается заинтересованность в уничтожении кооператива. Фактически они сами организуют преступление, которое якобы расследуют, целенаправленно разрушают кооператив, а не спасают пайщиков, не нуждающихся в их спасении и 15 февраля проводящих всероссийскую акцию в защиту своего кооператива от следственной группы.
Адвокаты подавали в Следственный комитет заявление о преступлении, но оно было положено под сукно.
К службе не годны
Отдельная тема — вопиющая профнепригодность следственной группы. Иудичев в своих ответах на запросы ничтоже сумняшеся пишет, что Центральный банк признал кооператив финансовой пирамидой, хотя ЦБ, во-первых, не суд, чтобы делать такие «признания», во-вторых, такого признания просто не было: утверждение не соответствует действительности.
ЦБ внес кооператив в так называемый предупредительный список, являющийся инструментом информирования потребителей финансовых услуг об организациях, работа с которыми чревата для граждан рисками, и решение о включении в этот список состоялось после возбуждения уголовного дела, скорее всего, как раз на основе информации о его возбуждении.
Любимая тема следственной группы — якобы незаконность переименования кооператива из жилищного в потребительский: они не могут даже прочитать Жилищный кодекс, где черным по белому написано, что жилищный кооператив — один из видов жилищного. И подобных примеров некомпетентности и выдумок в деятельности следователей масса.
В итоге мы имеем шитое белыми нитками дело, наносящее колоссальный ущерб тысячам пайщиков кооператива, среди которых преобладают малообеспеченные люди.
Возникают вопросы: не пора ли министру Колокольцеву разобраться со своими сотрудниками, не пора ли главе Следкома Бастрыкину обратить внимание на должностные преступления в «соседнем» ведомстве?
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Why this small city is the …
Why this small city is the ‘eyeglasses capital’ of Japan
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Japan is famed for its skilled artisans, masters who maintain a commitment to tradition while modernizing production techniques in line with the development of new materials and processes.
Many places in the country have grown famous by focusing on specific crafts, from exquisite kimonos to perfectly designed knives. Among them is the small city of Sabae, in Fukui prefecture, about a 3.5-hour train ride from Tokyo.
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It’s widely known as Japan’s eyeglasses capital – and for good reason. Sabae produces over 90% of the frames manufactured in the country, according to the local government. Signs and objects shaped like eyeglasses can be found on city streets, and there’s even a museum and festival devoted to spectacles.
The art of making spectacles
Sabae, located on Japan’s main Honshu island near the city of Fukui, has been producing quality eyewear for more than a century.
It all started in 1905, when a local government official invited skilled eyeglasses artisans to come to the city to teach their craft, an attempt to create new opportunities for local farmers.
The move paid off. Today, Sabae has over 100 companies that collaborate to make pairs of glasses.
Though these studios use cutting-edge machinery to produce new frames made of metal and acetate, most stages still require the skilled hands and trained eyes of Sabae’s master artisans.
That includes Takeshi Yamae, a frame designer with Japanese brand Boston Club who has lived in the city for 17 years. He tells CNN one pair of glasses can involve more than 200 steps.
“I first design it, sketch it, then put it into my computer,” he says. “From the time I start designing, to the time I have the perfect product, it takes more than a year.”
How a drab Soviet metropolis…
How a drab Soviet metropolis became Central Asia’s capital of cool
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Several cities around the globe have reinvented themselves in recent years, but none more successfully than Almaty.
Since the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan’s largest city (population 2.2 million and growing) has evolved from a drab, run-of-the-mill Soviet metropolis into the urban star of Central Asia.
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Along the way, the city has developed one of the world’s most beautiful metro systems, grown into a thriving banking and finance center, complemented its vintage bazaars with luxury boutiques and modern shopping malls and reshaped its traditional gastronomy into a nouvelle cuisine that’s drawing raves from foodies around the world.
Almaty is also evolving into the cultural and artistic hub of Central Asia. It’s already got several world-class museums (including a “secret” underground collection that doesn’t even have a name) and a dazzling new cultural center slated to open early next year.
“It’s an incredibly livable city,” says long-time American resident Dennis Keen, a historic preservation advocate and founder of Walking Almaty.
“Green and clean. You don’t need a car. The public transit here is fantastic. And it’s very much the center of contemporary art and dining in Central Asia.”
Keen adds that whenever he tells someone back home that he lives in Kazakhstan, “Borat” inevitably comes up. The movie’s title character doesn’t paint a very flattering portrait of the Central Asian nation. But nowadays one is tempted to think that if Borat visited Almaty now, he would say, “Very nice!”
Why this small city is the …
Why this small city is the ‘eyeglasses capital’ of Japan
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Japan is famed for its skilled artisans, masters who maintain a commitment to tradition while modernizing production techniques in line with the development of new materials and processes.
Many places in the country have grown famous by focusing on specific crafts, from exquisite kimonos to perfectly designed knives. Among them is the small city of Sabae, in Fukui prefecture, about a 3.5-hour train ride from Tokyo.
It’s widely known as Japan’s eyeglasses capital – and for good reason. Sabae produces over 90% of the frames manufactured in the country, according to the local government. Signs and objects shaped like eyeglasses can be found on city streets, and there’s even a museum and festival devoted to spectacles.
The art of making spectacles
Sabae, located on Japan’s main Honshu island near the city of Fukui, has been producing quality eyewear for more than a century.
It all started in 1905, when a local government official invited skilled eyeglasses artisans to come to the city to teach their craft, an attempt to create new opportunities for local farmers.
The move paid off. Today, Sabae has over 100 companies that collaborate to make pairs of glasses.
Though these studios use cutting-edge machinery to produce new frames made of metal and acetate, most stages still require the skilled hands and trained eyes of Sabae’s master artisans.
That includes Takeshi Yamae, a frame designer with Japanese brand Boston Club who has lived in the city for 17 years. He tells CNN one pair of glasses can involve more than 200 steps.
“I first design it, sketch it, then put it into my computer,” he says. “From the time I start designing, to the time I have the perfect product, it takes more than a year.”
Why this small city is the …
Why this small city is the ‘eyeglasses capital’ of Japan
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Japan is famed for its skilled artisans, masters who maintain a commitment to tradition while modernizing production techniques in line with the development of new materials and processes.
Many places in the country have grown famous by focusing on specific crafts, from exquisite kimonos to perfectly designed knives. Among them is the small city of Sabae, in Fukui prefecture, about a 3.5-hour train ride from Tokyo.
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It’s widely known as Japan’s eyeglasses capital – and for good reason. Sabae produces over 90% of the frames manufactured in the country, according to the local government. Signs and objects shaped like eyeglasses can be found on city streets, and there’s even a museum and festival devoted to spectacles.
The art of making spectacles
Sabae, located on Japan’s main Honshu island near the city of Fukui, has been producing quality eyewear for more than a century.
It all started in 1905, when a local government official invited skilled eyeglasses artisans to come to the city to teach their craft, an attempt to create new opportunities for local farmers.
The move paid off. Today, Sabae has over 100 companies that collaborate to make pairs of glasses.
Though these studios use cutting-edge machinery to produce new frames made of metal and acetate, most stages still require the skilled hands and trained eyes of Sabae’s master artisans.
That includes Takeshi Yamae, a frame designer with Japanese brand Boston Club who has lived in the city for 17 years. He tells CNN one pair of glasses can involve more than 200 steps.
“I first design it, sketch it, then put it into my computer,” he says. “From the time I start designing, to the time I have the perfect product, it takes more than a year.”
How a drab Soviet metropolis…
How a drab Soviet metropolis became Central Asia’s capital of cool
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Several cities around the globe have reinvented themselves in recent years, but none more successfully than Almaty.
Since the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan’s largest city (population 2.2 million and growing) has evolved from a drab, run-of-the-mill Soviet metropolis into the urban star of Central Asia.
Along the way, the city has developed one of the world’s most beautiful metro systems, grown into a thriving banking and finance center, complemented its vintage bazaars with luxury boutiques and modern shopping malls and reshaped its traditional gastronomy into a nouvelle cuisine that’s drawing raves from foodies around the world.
Almaty is also evolving into the cultural and artistic hub of Central Asia. It’s already got several world-class museums (including a “secret” underground collection that doesn’t even have a name) and a dazzling new cultural center slated to open early next year.
“It’s an incredibly livable city,” says long-time American resident Dennis Keen, a historic preservation advocate and founder of Walking Almaty.
“Green and clean. You don’t need a car. The public transit here is fantastic. And it’s very much the center of contemporary art and dining in Central Asia.”
Keen adds that whenever he tells someone back home that he lives in Kazakhstan, “Borat” inevitably comes up. The movie’s title character doesn’t paint a very flattering portrait of the Central Asian nation. But nowadays one is tempted to think that if Borat visited Almaty now, he would say, “Very nice!”
How a drab Soviet metropolis…
How a drab Soviet metropolis became Central Asia’s capital of cool
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Several cities around the globe have reinvented themselves in recent years, but none more successfully than Almaty.
Since the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan’s largest city (population 2.2 million and growing) has evolved from a drab, run-of-the-mill Soviet metropolis into the urban star of Central Asia.
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Along the way, the city has developed one of the world’s most beautiful metro systems, grown into a thriving banking and finance center, complemented its vintage bazaars with luxury boutiques and modern shopping malls and reshaped its traditional gastronomy into a nouvelle cuisine that’s drawing raves from foodies around the world.
Almaty is also evolving into the cultural and artistic hub of Central Asia. It’s already got several world-class museums (including a “secret” underground collection that doesn’t even have a name) and a dazzling new cultural center slated to open early next year.
“It’s an incredibly livable city,” says long-time American resident Dennis Keen, a historic preservation advocate and founder of Walking Almaty.
“Green and clean. You don’t need a car. The public transit here is fantastic. And it’s very much the center of contemporary art and dining in Central Asia.”
Keen adds that whenever he tells someone back home that he lives in Kazakhstan, “Borat” inevitably comes up. The movie’s title character doesn’t paint a very flattering portrait of the Central Asian nation. But nowadays one is tempted to think that if Borat visited Almaty now, he would say, “Very nice!”
‘We barely made it out’:…
‘We barely made it out’: Californians desperately flee their homes amid raging wildfires
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Terrie Morin, 60, and her husband, Dave, were at the barber shop when they heard about a raging wildfire making headway toward their Camarillo home on Wednesday morning.
The couple were hosting two guests at the time, but because their guests worked late, Morin suspected they slept through the residence’s fire alarms.
“I run in the house, and I’m banging on the door, and they did not hear me. They were knocked out,” Morin told CNN. “Get the dog. Get out of here. You don’t have time, just get out!” she recalled telling them.
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Ten minutes later, Dave noticed sparks in their backyard. The temperature was also picking up.
“It was hot. It was so hot,” Morin recalled.
Dozens of homes in California’s Ventura County were set alight in a sweeping wildfire that burned through thousands of acres of land in just a matter of hours midweek –– prompting authorities to send more than 14,000 evacuation notices across the region.
The Mountain Fire began early Wednesday and was driven by winds gusting over 60 mph. The flames have seared through more than 20,485 acres of land, according to Cal Fire.
The families who evacuated at a moment’s notice, some who say they have now lost their homes, must deal with other losses that can also be devastating, from daily essentials like medications and shoes to meaningful possessions such as sculptures and artwork, to treasured keepsakes from the birth of a child or the life of a parent.
At least 132 properties have been destroyed by the fire, while 88 have been left damaged, Ventura County Fire Department officials said Thursday evening. Ten damage inspection teams have been deployed to inspect structures along the path of the blaze.
Ten people endured non-life-threatening injuries from the Mountain Fire, which are mostly related to smoke inhalation, Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryhoff said.
‘We barely made it out’:…
‘We barely made it out’: Californians desperately flee their homes amid raging wildfires
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Terrie Morin, 60, and her husband, Dave, were at the barber shop when they heard about a raging wildfire making headway toward their Camarillo home on Wednesday morning.
The couple were hosting two guests at the time, but because their guests worked late, Morin suspected they slept through the residence’s fire alarms.
“I run in the house, and I’m banging on the door, and they did not hear me. They were knocked out,” Morin told CNN. “Get the dog. Get out of here. You don’t have time, just get out!” she recalled telling them.
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Ten minutes later, Dave noticed sparks in their backyard. The temperature was also picking up.
“It was hot. It was so hot,” Morin recalled.
Dozens of homes in California’s Ventura County were set alight in a sweeping wildfire that burned through thousands of acres of land in just a matter of hours midweek –– prompting authorities to send more than 14,000 evacuation notices across the region.
The Mountain Fire began early Wednesday and was driven by winds gusting over 60 mph. The flames have seared through more than 20,485 acres of land, according to Cal Fire.
The families who evacuated at a moment’s notice, some who say they have now lost their homes, must deal with other losses that can also be devastating, from daily essentials like medications and shoes to meaningful possessions such as sculptures and artwork, to treasured keepsakes from the birth of a child or the life of a parent.
At least 132 properties have been destroyed by the fire, while 88 have been left damaged, Ventura County Fire Department officials said Thursday evening. Ten damage inspection teams have been deployed to inspect structures along the path of the blaze.
Ten people endured non-life-threatening injuries from the Mountain Fire, which are mostly related to smoke inhalation, Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryhoff said.
‘We barely made it out’:…
‘We barely made it out’: Californians desperately flee their homes amid raging wildfires
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Terrie Morin, 60, and her husband, Dave, were at the barber shop when they heard about a raging wildfire making headway toward their Camarillo home on Wednesday morning.
The couple were hosting two guests at the time, but because their guests worked late, Morin suspected they slept through the residence’s fire alarms.
“I run in the house, and I’m banging on the door, and they did not hear me. They were knocked out,” Morin told CNN. “Get the dog. Get out of here. You don’t have time, just get out!” she recalled telling them.
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Ten minutes later, Dave noticed sparks in their backyard. The temperature was also picking up.
“It was hot. It was so hot,” Morin recalled.
Dozens of homes in California’s Ventura County were set alight in a sweeping wildfire that burned through thousands of acres of land in just a matter of hours midweek –– prompting authorities to send more than 14,000 evacuation notices across the region.
The Mountain Fire began early Wednesday and was driven by winds gusting over 60 mph. The flames have seared through more than 20,485 acres of land, according to Cal Fire.
The families who evacuated at a moment’s notice, some who say they have now lost their homes, must deal with other losses that can also be devastating, from daily essentials like medications and shoes to meaningful possessions such as sculptures and artwork, to treasured keepsakes from the birth of a child or the life of a parent.
At least 132 properties have been destroyed by the fire, while 88 have been left damaged, Ventura County Fire Department officials said Thursday evening. Ten damage inspection teams have been deployed to inspect structures along the path of the blaze.
Ten people endured non-life-threatening injuries from the Mountain Fire, which are mostly related to smoke inhalation, Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryhoff said.
‘We barely made it out’:…
‘We barely made it out’: Californians desperately flee their homes amid raging wildfires
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Terrie Morin, 60, and her husband, Dave, were at the barber shop when they heard about a raging wildfire making headway toward their Camarillo home on Wednesday morning.
The couple were hosting two guests at the time, but because their guests worked late, Morin suspected they slept through the residence’s fire alarms.
“I run in the house, and I’m banging on the door, and they did not hear me. They were knocked out,” Morin told CNN. “Get the dog. Get out of here. You don’t have time, just get out!” she recalled telling them.
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Ten minutes later, Dave noticed sparks in their backyard. The temperature was also picking up.
“It was hot. It was so hot,” Morin recalled.
Dozens of homes in California’s Ventura County were set alight in a sweeping wildfire that burned through thousands of acres of land in just a matter of hours midweek –– prompting authorities to send more than 14,000 evacuation notices across the region.
The Mountain Fire began early Wednesday and was driven by winds gusting over 60 mph. The flames have seared through more than 20,485 acres of land, according to Cal Fire.
The families who evacuated at a moment’s notice, some who say they have now lost their homes, must deal with other losses that can also be devastating, from daily essentials like medications and shoes to meaningful possessions such as sculptures and artwork, to treasured keepsakes from the birth of a child or the life of a parent.
At least 132 properties have been destroyed by the fire, while 88 have been left damaged, Ventura County Fire Department officials said Thursday evening. Ten damage inspection teams have been deployed to inspect structures along the path of the blaze.
Ten people endured non-life-threatening injuries from the Mountain Fire, which are mostly related to smoke inhalation, Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryhoff said.
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Earth ring theory may shed…
Earth ring theory may shed light on an unexplained ancient climate event, scientists say
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Famously known for its extensive ring system, Saturn is one of four planets in our solar system that have the distinctive feature. And now, scientists hypothesize that Earth may have sported its own ring some 466 million years ago.
During the Ordovician Period, a time of significant changes for Earth’s life-forms, plate tectonics and climate, the planet experienced a peak in meteorite strikes. Nearly two dozen impact craters known to occur during this time were all within 30 degrees of Earth’s equator, signaling that the meteoroids may have rained down from a rocky ring around the planet, according to a study published September 12 in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
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“It’s statistically unusual that you would get 21 craters all relatively close to the equator. It shouldn’t happen. They should be randomly distributed,” said lead author Andrew Tomkins, a geologist and professor of Earth and planetary sciences at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.
Not only does the new hypothesis shed light on the origins of the spike in meteorite impacts, but it also may provide an answer to a previously unexplained event: A global deep freeze, one of the coldest climate events in Earth’s history, may have been a result of the ring’s shadow.
Scientists are hoping to find out more about the possible ring. It could help answer the mysteries of Earth’s history as well as pose new questions about the influence an ancient ring could have had on evolutionary development, Tomkins said.
Я не могу поверить, что мы…
Я не могу поверить, что мы живем в стране, где кооперативы вроде «<a href="">Бест Вей</a>» считаются чуть ли не угрозой обществу. Люди годами скидываются, чтобы обойти безумные банковские проценты, а потом государство решает, что это слишком подозрительно. Разве можно считать нормальным, что человеку, который добросовестно выплачивал пай, перекрывают возможность оформить квартиру в собственность? Читаешь истории тех, кто добился своего благодаря кооперативу, и понимаешь: это настоящие герои. Они не просто покупают жилье, они еще и выдерживают прессинг, о котором многие и не догадываются. Хотелось бы спросить у тех, кто эти пресловутые дела затевает: вам не стыдно тормозить работу организации, которая дает людям возможность вырваться из замкнутого круга?
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Denmark’s Victoria Kj?r…
Denmark’s Victoria Kj?r Theilvig wins Miss Universe 2024
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Victoria Kj?r Theilvig of Denmark has been crowned Miss Universe 2024, becoming the first Dane to ever win the competition.
The 21-year-old, a competitive dancer, entrepreneur, and aspiring lawyer, beat more than 120 other contestants to win the annual beauty pageant in Mexico City on Saturday night.
She was applauded by other contestants on stage as she accepted the tiara from reigning titleholder Sheynnis Palacios of Nicaragua.
This year’s finale featured a performance by singer Robin Thicke and was hosted by “Saved by the Bell” star Mario Lopez and former Miss Universe Olivia Culpo.
The glitzy pageant began with contestants being narrowed down to a shortlist of 30, based on the results of Thursday’s preliminary event, which included a flamboyant national costume contest. The semi-finalists then paraded in swimwear, before 12 of them advanced to an evening gown contest.
When later asked what she would say to those watching, Theilvig urged viewers to “keep fighting … no matter where you come from.”
“I stand here today because I want a change, I want to make history, and that’s what I’m doing tonight,” she said.
Chidimma Adetshina of Nigeria finished as first runner-up and Maria Fernanda Beltran of Mexico was named second runner-up. Suchata Chuangsri of Thailand and Ileana Marquez Pedroza of Venezuela followed – with Pedroza, a 28-year-old mother, making history in the top five after the competition removed several restrictions in recent years.
This year marked the first time in Miss Universe’s 72-year history that women aged over 28 were permitted to enter. More than two dozen of the finalists were older than would have been allowed in previous years, with Malta’s Beatrice Njoya becoming the first and only woman in her 40s to reach the grand finale.
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