Kara Kutu'nun hedefinde Atatürk'ün yol arkadaşları mı var?

Soner Yalçın, "KARA KUTU / Yüzleşme Vakti kitabındaki dayanaksız, gerçek dışı iddialarıyla ilgili somut eleştirilerimize tahammül edemiyor ve bizi kitabı okumadan eleştirmekle suçluyor. Şimdi kitaptan sayfa numaralarını da vererek eleştirilerimize devam edelim, belki bu şekilde kitabını okuduğumuza ikna olabilir, daha doğrusu okuduğumuzu bildiği halde inkâr etmekten vazgeçebilir.  

Soner Yalçın kitaptaki dayanaksız iddialarına karşı somut biçimde ortaya koyduğumuz “Kara Kutu Soner Yalçın Eleştirisi 1” ve konuk olduğu Teke Tek programının ardından Fatih Altaylı’ya yolladığımız, kendisi ve kamuoyu ile de paylaştığımız “Soner Yalçın’ın Dayanaksız İddiaları”başlıklarıyla yayınladığımız somut eleştirilerimize yanıt vermekten ısrarla kaçınıyor. Kendisinden yanıt beklemek hakkımız, aksi takdirde kamuoyunu yanılttığını kabul etmek zorunda kalacak zira.


Yalçın, Homeopatik (önleyici-koruyucu-tamamlayıcı?) tıbba karşı Rockefeller ve Carnegie gibi dünya sermaye imparatorlarının dayattığı hepimizi kuşatan “endüstriyel tıbbın” “Kara Kutu” sunu açtığını iddia ediyor değme komplo teorisyenlerine taş çıkartır cinsten.  Kitabın girişinde zaman tüneline giriliyor (s.25-35). “ Rockefeller’in Kozmik Odasındaki 805 numaralı kutu Türkiye ile ilgili. Türkleri ve projeleri anlatıyor. Bunlardan 805E kutusundaki Fellowships/Burslar belgelerine erişim yasak. Açık belgelerin izi sürülüyor. 805A Tıp (Tıp fakültelerinde veya tıbbi araştırma enstitülerinde yürütülen araştırmalara verilen burslar-yardımlar) 805C Hemşirelik, 805I Sıtma (Aşılar için verilen paralar) 805 J-L Halk Sağlığı Gösterileri ve Eğitimi.. 805R Beşeri Bilimler ve Sanat yardımları 805S Sosyal Bilimler bursları. Açık kutulara bakıldığında Rockefeller, Türkiye’de genellikle tıp-sağlık sektörüyle yakından ilgili. Belgeler Türkiye’de “Amerikan modeli endüstriyel tıbbi eğitim ve araştırma anlayışının yerleşmesine nasıl etki ettiğini anlatılıyor. Rockefeller Vakfı 1950’lerin ortalarından başlayarak Robert Kolej’e, Cerrahpaşa ve  Ankara Tıp Fakültelerine, İhsan Doğramacı’nın kılavuzluğunda Hacettepe Tıp Fakültesine, diğer tıp fakültelerine ve genç akademisyenlere, akademisyen adayı doktorlara  paralar yağdırıyor. 

Burada dikkat çekici bir kutucuk var, 809L Ziyaretler (Refik Bey, Asım Bey), 1929. Bu kutucuğa ait 10 numaralı dipnotta (s.28) bakın neler yazıyor? 10 Dönemin Sağlık Bakanı Refik Saydam ve Sağlık İşleri Müdürü Asım Azar’ın 3 ay süren ABD gezilerinin davet edeni Rockefeller Vakfı idi.

İşte Vehbi’nin kerrakesi de burada olmalı. Atatürk’ün en yakınındaki dava arkadaşlarından biri olan Dr. Refik Saydam, Bandırma Vapuru’nda Ona eşlik eden, Erzurum ve Sivas Kongrelerinden, İlk Meclise kadar hep yanında olan Atatürk döneminin sağlık bakanı ve 8 Temmuz 1942’deki ölümüne kadar Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin Dördüncü Başbakanı, cumhuriyetimizin simge isimlerinden biri. Ama Soner Yalçın sayesinde Rockefefeller’in derin kutularından çıkıveriyor. Kitabın ilerleyen sayfalarında (s.69-73) Refik Saydam’ın bu tarihten iki yıl önce 1927’de  Sağlık Bakanı olarak Rockefeller Vakfı’nın davetiyle Avrupa’da iki ay süreyle incelemelerde bulunduğunu öğreniyoruz (Rüşvet gezisi?). Böylece tava geliyor cumhuriyet hükümeti, bu rüşvet gezisinin ardından Rockefeller Vakfı’nın temsilcisi Gunn bizzat Başvekil İsmet İnönü tarafından Türkiye’ye davet deliyor. Gunn, İnönü ile görüşmesinde aydınlanma, ulus devlet, Batılılaşma, insan severlik, akılcılık gibi kavramları kullanarak Cumhuriyet yöneticilerine zokayı yutturuyor. Gunn’un tek bir isteği var artık devşirdikleri (!) Sağlık Bakanı Refik Saydam’ı muhatap almak. Bu gerçekleştiği takdirde özellikle o yıllarda Rockefeller Vakfı’nın Londra ve Zagrep ‘teki Hijyen Okulları gibi dünyada kurduğu hıfzıssıhha/halk sağlığı okullarının bir benzerinin açılmasına yardım edeceklerini söylüyor. Bu koşullarda Türkiye’de açılan Hıfzıssıhha Okulunun ilk müdürü de Rockefeller Vakfı üyesi Dr. Ralph K. Collins oluyor. Böylece 1928 yılında çıkartılan Merkez Hıfzıssıhha Müessesesi Hakkında Kanunla enstitünün merkez ve taşra teşkilatları yapılandırılıyor. Collins 1940 yılına kadar Türkiye'de çalışıyor ve halk sağlığı anlayışının yerleşmesinin kilit ismi oluyor. Dr. Refik Saydam’ın, Sağlık İşleri Genel Müdürü Dr. Asım Arar ile birlikte Rockefeller’in himayesinde 1929 yılında yaptığı üç aylık ABD ziyaretinin ardından (ABD rüşvet gezisi) Etimesgut İçtimai Hıfzıssıhha Numune Dispanseri açılıyor. Bu dispanserin başhekimliğine atanan Dr.Mehmet Cemalettin Or’da Vakfın desteği ile ABD’ye giderek bir yıl köy sağlık hijyeni eğitimi alarak hijyen uzmanı oluyor. 1937 yılında Etimesgut’taki dispanser köy tipi “sıhhat merkezi” haline dönüştürülüyor. Rockefeller Vakfı tarafından bu sıhhat merkezine 56 bin 700 dolar (günümüzün parasıyla 2.3 milyon $) tahsis ediliyor. Bu köy tipi örgütlenme daha sonra hayata geçen sağlık ocağı biçiminde örgütlenmenin öncülü oluyor. Sağlık ocağı sayısı 20 yılda 280’e ulaşıyor.

Buraya kadar anlatılanlardan Soner Yalçın neler çıkarıyor bakar mısınız? “Görüldüğü üzere Rockefeller Türkiye’de klinik öncelikli tedaviye sağlığa çok önem verdi. Öyle ki Türkiye’den klinik ve araştırma eğitimi almak üzere burs alan 44 kişiden 33’ü halk sağlığı alanından seçildi. .. Burs kazananlar genellikle ABD’ye gönderildi. Yolu ABD’den geçen doktorlar kilit görevlere getirildi. Örneğin Zeki Nassır Berker, Sıhhat ve İçtimai Muavenet Vekaleti’nde genel müdürlük ve müsteşar yardımcılığı görevlerinde bulundu. Tahsin Şevket Berkin, Hıfzıssıhha Enstitüsü’nde  1961-1965 yıllarında müdürlük yaptı. Kadri Olcar, Sağlık Propagandası ve Tıbbi İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü yaptıktan sonra 1953-1957 senelerinde  Hıfzıssıhha Okul Müdürlüğü’ne tayin edildi.

Soner Yalçın’a şu temel bilgiyi hatırlatmak gerekiyor, zira kafası epeyce karışmış ya da art arda verdiği bu bilgilerle zihinleri bulandırmak istiyor. Bir yandan Rockefeller  Türkiye’de klinik öncelikli tedaviye önem verdi derken öte yandan koruyucu-önleyici hekimliğin en önemli yapı taşı olan Hıfzıssıhha Enstitüsü ve taşra teşkilatları, Etimesgut İçtimai Numune Dispanseri ve bu modelleme esasına dayanan yüzlerce sağlık ocağının "Rockefeller Vakfı" desteği ile nasıl yapılandırıldığını anlatıyor. Oysa ki Rockefeller'in önceliği klinik tedavi olsa idi böyle bir birinci basamak koruyucu/önleyici sağlık yapılanması değil hastaneler temel alınırdı örgütlenmede. Zaten kendisi de daha sonra (s.70) Kurtuluş Savaşının Sıtma, Tifüs, Dizanteri, Trahom, Kolera İskorbüt, Lekeli Kara Humma, Kızamık, Kızıl, Kabakulak, Tetanoz gibi bulaşıcı hastalıklara karşı yapıldığını, tabip, eczacı, diş doktoru başta olmak üzere sağlık personelinin yok denecek kadar az olduğunu vurgulamak zorunda kalıyor. Ve denize düşen yılana sarıldı, Rockefeller Genç Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Sovyetler Birliği güdümüne girmesini önlemek için kolları sıvadı diyor. Ardından  "Atatürk, Rockefeller’in adamlarının hiçbiriyle görüşmedi,. İlişkileri çok güvendiği için “Saydam” soyadını verdiği Dr. Refik Saydam üzerinden yürüttü" Rockefeller ilişkisini diyor. Şimdi kafanızda Rockefeller-Atatürk dolaylı ilişkisine dair soru işaretleri oluştu mu? Ne güzel kitap adım adım hedefine ulaşıyor. Post/Modernizm de tam bu işte, sol gösterip sağdan vurmak, "endüstri tıbbıyla" hesaplaşır görünürken suret-i haktan görünüp cumhuriyeti yerin dibine batırmak, hedef: tam isabet..

Soner Yalçın, Atatürk öldükten sonra Dr. Refik Saydam Başbakan idi. Birinci 10 Yıllık Milli Sağlık Planı’nın hazırlanmasında da Rockefeller memurlarından yardım alındı.  …”diyor.  Bu okuduklarınızdan ne anlyorsunuz? Sanki Refik Saydam'ı başbakan yapan da Rockefeller oligarkı. Zihniniz yeterince bulanmadıysa çaresiz bir vakasınız artık..

Soner Yalçın, Kara Kutu hikayeleriyle başta Dr.Refik Saydam olmak üzere Dr. Asım ArarDr. Mehmet Cemallettin OrDr. Zeki Nassır Berker, Dr. Tahsin Şevki Berkin,  Dr. Kadri Olcar gibi cumhuriyet aydınlanmasının ürünü olan ve cumhuriyete kanat geren idealist, özverili hekimlere Rockefeller’in derin dehlizlerinden, kara kutularından gelen devşirmeler yaftasını yapıştırıyor. Cumhuriyet, sağlık alanında hepimizin gururu olan başarılara imza attıysa bu adı bilinen, bilinmeyen kahramanların emeği, katkısı, özverisiyle olmuştu oysa ki..

Soner Yalçın gözümüzün içine baka baka yalan söylüyor, cumhuriyetin idealist kurucu kadrosunu karalıyor. Gerçekleri yüzüne vurmak, boynumuzun borcudur, hodri meydan Sonet Yalçın!..

Dr. Ali Rıza Üçer

Tıp Kurumu Genel Sekreteri


Sewer repair (doğrulanmamış) Pa, 30/06/2024 - 14:06

In Tacoma, Washington, having a reliable plumber is essential due to the city’s
unique infrastructure and climate. Bob Larson Plumbing offers a range
of plumbing services, from emergency plumbing to water heater installation, ensuring that residents in neighborhoods like North End and Proctor District have
access to top-quality service. Proper plumbing is crucial in Tacoma, a city where seasonal changes and historical
buildings require specialized knowledge and prompt attention to
avoid costly damages and ensure efficient water usage.

Bob Larson Plumbing is located in Tacoma, a city founded in 1872.
Tacoma is a vibrant city with a population of 221,776 as of 2022
and 87,379 households. The city is conveniently connected by
Interstate 5, a major highway that facilitates easy travel and commerce.

An interesting fact about Tacoma is its nickname, the ""City of
Destiny,"" which reflects its historical significance as the western terminus of the Northern Pacific Railroad.
Today, Tacoma is known for its cultural attractions, scenic waterfront, and
rich history, making it a dynamic place to live and work.

The cost of plumbing repairs in Tacoma can vary widely
depending on the type of service needed. Basic services like faucet repair
or drain cleaning might cost between $100 and $300, while more extensive work such as pipe repair or water heater installation can range from $500 to $2,000.
Tacoma experiences a range of temperatures, with summer highs around 80°F and winter lows averaging 35°F.
These temperature variations can impact plumbing systems,
making regular maintenance and timely repairs
essential to prevent issues like frozen pipes and water line bursts.

Tacoma is home to numerous points of interest that highlight the city's cultural and natural beauty.

The Museum of Glass features stunning glass art and interactive exhibits.
Point Defiance Park offers miles of trails,
gardens, and waterfront views, along with the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium,
which provides educational experiences and animal exhibits.
LeMay - America’s Car Museum showcases an extensive collection of
classic and vintage cars. The Tacoma Art Museum presents a diverse
collection of art, emphasizing Northwest artists. The Washington State History Museum offers engaging exhibits on the state's history
and heritage. Each of these attractions provides unique
experiences that reflect Tacoma's diverse cultural landscape.

Choosing Bob Larson Plumbing for plumbing services in Tacoma is a wise decision for residents and businesses seeking reliable
and efficient solutions. The company offers a comprehensive
range of services, including plumbing maintenance, sewer repair, and sump
pump installation. Bob Larson Plumbing’s commitment to quality workmanship and exceptional customer service
ensures that all plumbing needs are met promptly and professionally.

For those living in Tacoma, Bob Larson Plumbing is the trusted partner for maintaining a safe,
functional, and comfortable home, providing peace of mind and excellent service throughout the

In Tacoma, Washington, having a reliable plumber
is crucial due to the city's infrastructure and weather conditions.
Bob Larson Plumbing offers a comprehensive range of services, from emergency plumbing to
toilet repair, ensuring that residents in neighborhoods like Downtown Tacoma and Hilltop receive top-notch care.

Reliable plumbing is vital in Tacoma, where seasonal changes and historic homes require expert
attention to prevent costly damage and maintain efficient water systems.

Bob Larson Plumbing is based in Tacoma, a city founded in 1872.

Tacoma has a population of 221,776 as of 2022 and 87,379 households.
The city is well-connected by Interstate 5, a major highway that
supports easy travel and economic activity. Known as the ""City of Destiny,"" Tacoma earned this moniker as the terminus of the Northern Pacific Railroad.
Today, Tacoma is renowned for its vibrant cultural scene,
waterfront beauty, and historical significance, making
it an exciting place to live and visit.

Plumbing repair costs in Tacoma can vary depending on the service required.
Simple repairs like faucet or toilet fixes might
range from $100 to $300, while more significant
tasks such as sewer repair or water heater installation could cost between $500 and
$2,000. Tacoma experiences a wide range of temperatures, with summer highs reaching around 80°F and winter lows averaging 35°F.
These fluctuations can affect plumbing systems, highlighting the importance of regular maintenance and timely repairs to avoid issues
like frozen pipes and water damage.

Tacoma offers numerous points of interest that showcase its rich cultural and natural heritage.
The Museum of Glass features impressive glass art and interactive
exhibits. Point Defiance Park provides beautiful gardens,
trails, and waterfront views, alongside the Point Defiance Zoo
& Aquarium, which offers diverse animal exhibits and educational programs.
LeMay - America’s Car Museum displays an extensive collection of classic and vintage automobiles.
The Tacoma Art Museum focuses on Northwest artists and presents a varied collection of artworks.
The Washington State History Museum provides engaging exhibits on the history
and heritage of the state. Each of these attractions offers unique experiences that highlight Tacoma's diverse and vibrant community.

Choosing Bob Larson Plumbing for your plumbing needs in Tacoma is a smart decision for homeowners and businesses seeking reliable and efficient service.
The company provides a wide array of services, including plumbing inspection, burst pipe repair,
and bathroom plumbing. Bob Larson Plumbing’s dedication to quality craftsmanship and exceptional customer service
ensures that all plumbing needs are addressed quickly and professionally.
For residents of Tacoma, Bob Larson Plumbing is the
trusted choice for maintaining a safe and comfortable home,
offering peace of mind and superior service all
year round.

In Tacoma, Washington, having a dependable plumber is essential due to the city's infrastructure
and climate. Bob Larson Plumbing offers a variety of services, from emergency plumbing to leak detection, ensuring that
residents in neighborhoods like Stadium District and South Tacoma receive the best care.

Effective plumbing is critical in Tacoma, where seasonal changes and historical
structures demand specialized attention to prevent
expensive damages and ensure optimal water usage.

Bob Larson Plumbing is located in Tacoma, a city founded in 1872.
Tacoma has a population of 221,776 as of 2022 and 87,379 households.

The city is easily accessible via Interstate 5, a major highway that promotes convenient travel and trade.
Tacoma's nickname, the ""City of Destiny,"" reflects its historical role as the western terminus of the
Northern Pacific Railroad. Today, Tacoma is celebrated for its cultural landmarks,
picturesque waterfront, and historical depth, making it an attractive place to reside and

The cost of plumbing repairs in Tacoma can vary
based on the type of service required. Basic repairs like drain cleaning or
faucet fixes might cost between $100 and $300, whereas more extensive work such as water heater installation or pipe repair could range from $500 to $2,000.

Tacoma's climate features summer highs around
80°F and winter lows averaging 35°F. These temperature variations can impact plumbing systems, underscoring the need for regular
maintenance and timely repairs to avoid problems like frozen pipes and water line bursts.

Tacoma is home to numerous points of interest that
highlight its cultural and natural allure. The Museum of
Glass offers fascinating glass art and interactive exhibits.
Point Defiance Park provides extensive trails, gardens, and waterfront views, along
with the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, which offers educational animal exhibits.
LeMay - America’s Car Museum displays an impressive array of classic
and vintage cars. The Tacoma Art Museum showcases a rich collection of art,
emphasizing works from Northwest artists. The Washington State History Museum features engaging exhibits
on the state’s history and culture. Each of these attractions provides unique experiences that reflect Tacoma's diverse and
vibrant community.

Choosing Bob Larson Plumbing for plumbing services in Tacoma is a wise
choice for residents and businesses seeking dependable
and efficient solutions. The company offers a comprehensive range of services, including plumbing maintenance, sewer repair, and sump pump installation. Bob Larson Plumbing’s dedication to quality workmanship and outstanding customer service ensures that all plumbing
needs are met promptly and professionally.
For those living in Tacoma, Bob Larson Plumbing is the trusted
partner for maintaining a safe, functional, and comfortable home, providing peace of mind and excellent service year-round.

In Tacoma, Washington, reliable plumbing is crucial due to the city’s
unique infrastructure and seasonal climate changes. Bob
Larson Plumbing provides a wide range of plumbing services,
from emergency plumbing to water heater installation, ensuring that residents in neighborhoods like West End and Lincoln District have access to
exceptional service. Proper plumbing is vital in Tacoma, where historical buildings and varying weather require expert care
to avoid costly damages and maintain efficient water systems.

Bob Larson Plumbing is based in Tacoma, a city founded in 1872.

Tacoma boasts a population of 221,776 as of 2022
and 87,379 households. The city is conveniently connected by
Interstate 5, a major highway that supports easy travel and commerce.
Known as the ""City of Destiny,"" Tacoma earned this nickname as
the western terminus of the Northern Pacific Railroad. Today, Tacoma is known for its rich history, cultural attractions,
and scenic waterfront, making it a dynamic place to live and

Plumbing repair costs in Tacoma can vary widely depending on the service needed.
Basic services like faucet repair or toilet fixes might range from $100
to $300, while more significant tasks such as water heater installation or pipe repair could cost between $500 and $2,000.
Tacoma experiences a range of temperatures, with summer highs around
80°F and winter lows averaging 35°F. These fluctuations can affect
plumbing systems, making regular maintenance and timely repairs essential to prevent issues like frozen pipes and water damage.

Tacoma offers numerous points of interest that highlight
the city's cultural and natural beauty. The Museum of
Glass features stunning glass art and interactive exhibits.

Point Defiance Park offers miles of trails, gardens, and waterfront views, along with the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, which provides educational experiences and
animal exhibits. LeMay - America’s Car Museum
showcases an extensive collection of classic and vintage cars.
The Tacoma Art Museum presents a diverse collection of art, emphasizing Northwest artists.
The Washington State History Museum offers engaging exhibits on the state's
history and heritage. Each of these attractions provides unique experiences that reflect Tacoma's diverse cultural landscape.

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FernandoSulge (doğrulanmamış) Sa, 02/07/2024 - 20:49

Online learning has transformed the education sector, and the K12 virtual school perfectly exemplifies this transition. It offers an adaptable and individualized way to study, letting students to learn at their personal rhythm, also from the convenience of their home.

One of the numerous advantages of the K12 program is the large selection of optional classes as well open, allowing students to venture beyond the usual coursework & uncover new fields of passion.

The high academic standards, tough academic program, and engaging online content can turn internet learning equally effective as traditional in-person learning, potentially more so. Plus, the solid assistance rendered by professional tutors supports students remain engaged and work to the best of their abilities.

Yet, like each system, it's not void of hurdles. The main potential drawback is the lack of social interaction. While the versatility is superb, some students may lack the regular high school life.

It&apos;s how K12 virtual school manages to merge traditional methods with digital platforms, paving a new direction in academics. If you&apos;re considering looking into different options for education, it might be worth considering an web-based format like the K12 model. To dig deeper, I invite you to explore further and learn more about this unique and revolutionary educational approach. You could be amazed by the vast opportunities it displays. <a href=http://k12onlinechool9.com>http://k12onlinechool9.com</a&gt;

FernandoSulge (doğrulanmamış) Sa, 02/07/2024 - 23:26

E-learning has drastically changed the education sector, and the K12 virtual school is an exemplary embodiment of this shift. It offers an adaptable and individualized way to education, permitting students to learn at their own pace, moreover from the comfort of their house.

One of the many merits of K12 is the broad range of optional classes also accessible, helping students to explore beyond the standard academic program & explore new domains of passion.

The high academic standards, intense syllabus, and dynamic digital material can turn digital learning equally effective as conventional face-to-face education, perhaps even surpassing it. Plus, the robust support offered by accredited instructors aids students keep engaged and operate to the amaximum of their potential.

Nonetheless, like every system, it is not empty of problems. The primary potential drawback is the lack of social interaction. While the versatility is outstanding, some students might miss the traditional high school experience.

It&apos;s how K12 virtual school manages to blend conventional practices with modern technology, forming a fresh way in academics. If you are contemplating looking into alternative methods of education, it might be worth considering an digital format like the K12 system. For a closer look, I encourage you to look further and learn more about this productive and novel learning strategy. You could be amazed by the immense possibilities it displays. <a href=https://www.k12onlinechool9.com>https://www.k12onlinechool9.com</a&gt;

FernandoSulge (doğrulanmamış) Çar, 03/07/2024 - 01:52

Online education has drastically changed the educational landscape, and the K12 virtual school is a clear representation of this transition. It offers an adaptable and individualized way to academics, enabling students to work at their personal rhythm, additionally from the convenience of their house.

One of the many merits of the K12 model is the large selection of optional classes also open, helping students to venture beyond the usual coursework & explore new arenas of interests.

The high educational benchmarks, rigorous curriculum, and interactive multimedia content can make online learning equally effective as conventional face-to-face education, potentially more so. Plus, the solid assistance offered by professional tutors aids students continue to be involved and work to the highest of their potential.

Nevertheless, like every system, it&apos;s not void of hurdles. The primary likely disadvantage is the lack of social communication. While the versatility is superb, some students might miss the regular secondary school experience.

It is how K12 virtual school manages to merge tradition with tech, forming a fresh way in education. If you are looking into different options for education, it would be worthwhile to consider an online format like the K12 program. For a closer look, I invite you to look further and get more information on this efficient and revolutionary education method. You may be astonished by the vast opportunities it provides. <a href=https://k12onlinechool9.com/>https://k12onlinechool9.com/</a&gt;

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XEvil is a straightforward, rapid and hassle-free plan for absolutely computerized recognition and bypass in the overwhelming majority of captchas (CAPTCHAs), with no require to connect any 3rd-bash expert services.

This system almost completely replaces expert services for example AntiGate (Anti-Captcha), RuCaptcha, DeCaptcher and Other individuals. At the same time, it significantly exceeds them in recognition velocity (ten moments or more) and is absolutely cost-free.

https://trentonkorux.alltdesign.com/speed-up-link-indexing-47242423 fast data series indexing for in-memory data
https://affiliates.trustgdpa.com/what-is-link-indexing-4/ fast indexing dataframe
https://tinkeredug.com/uncategorized/captcha-service-25/ Xevil
https://wik.co.kr/master4/798368 mass posting
http://www.letts.org/wiki/User:LamarHare3 speedindex
https://affiliates.trustgdpa.com/fast-link-indexing-20/ fast indexing of linksoul
https://affiliates.trustgdpa.com/solving-captcha-9/ Xevil
https://tinkeredug.com/uncategorized/solving-captcha-25/ Xrumer


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